What’s Been Happening
Read the latest news and views from the Cuttriss team as we work to create more sustainable and thoughtful communities.
The Path to Leadership at Cuttriss
Nicola Todd, Director Encouraging more females into STEM...
Inspiration and Innovation in Wanaka
This year, a team of three from Cuttriss attended -...
Wellington Families to Benefit from New Sports Centre
Wellington, Monday 17 December 2018 - A new...
Cuttriss Project: Ricoh Sports Centre, Lower Hutt
The new Ricoh Sports Centre in Lower Hutt is a...
Helping create a new community in Porirua
The Aotea Subdivision in Porirua is hard to miss. Sitting...
Kapiti Retirement Trust: Delivering Independent Living on the Coast
For more than 40 years Cuttriss has worked with the Kapiti...
Saving Skinks
At Cuttriss, we love feel good environmentally friendly...
Cuttriss Project: Otaki Beach stormwater upgrade
Property owners who experienced flooding in Ōtaki Beach...
Drones cut time and risk for land surveyers
No longer just a hi-tech toy - drones are becoming an...