The northern suburbs of Wellington, and in particular, the Kapiti Coast is poised for growth over the next decade with major infrastructure projects due for completion from 2020.

Cuttriss Consultants are working on new developments across the Wellington region, including Aotea, Porirua’s Northern Growth Area and the Waikanae North Subdivision.  

Nick Taylor, a Senior Licensed Cadastral Surveyor, says the region has a huge opportunity to capitalise on new roading infrastructure including Transmission Gully.

“Now, we need to make the right decisions for the future and make the most of the land we’ve got, ensuring it’s thoughtfully developed – this is part of our challenge.”

Nick Taylor says while there is land available for development in Kāpiti, not all of it is suitable for housing.

“When we design a project, we look at the environmental considerations for the specific site.

Developing ‘marginal land’ often requires the use of new technologies or innovative design solutions to overcome stormwater issues, or for treatment for land subject to liquefaction. Where land is not suited for development due to potential flood hazards, we think about how that land can be used to serve another purpose such as stormwater management,” says Nick Taylor.

Looking to the future impact of climate change is part of Cuttriss Consultants’ work.

“When we design a stormwater network, we are required to model water volumes on the predicted rainfall rate in 2090, ensuring the infrastructure can grow alongside the population,” says Nick Taylor.

The latest statistics from the Kāpiti Coast District Council Quarter 3 Monitoring Report show there is room for more subdivision consents and for the region to make the most of the opportunity for growth over the next decade.  Cuttriss will watch this space with interest.

If you would like to know more about our projects in the Kapiti Coast please contact us on 04 904 5420.