The new Ricoh Sports Centre in Lower Hutt is a multi-purpose sport and community hub for Fraser Park Sportsville, Lower Hutt and the Wellington region.

Bringing together a range of different sporting codes, it will provide the community with high-quality facilities and a safe and welcoming meeting place.  It aims to motivate people to become more active – something we believe is vital for the health and vibrancy of our communities.

Due to be handed over next week (December 2018)  the centre includes six squash courts, indoor artificial turf training space, sport administration offices and meeting facilities, ten changing rooms, a cafe, bar and restaurant. It also has viewing decks for the surrounding sports fields.  It’s hoped the centre will be able to attract and host national and international competitions.

We’re proud to be one of the organisations helping build the Ricoh Sports Centre.  The new facility will provide a multi-million dollar boost to the Hutt economy, benefiting a range of sectors including food and beverage, transport, accommodation, entertainment and retail.

Cuttriss has assisted with the development of the building and associated facilities, by providing civil engineering expertise and drone footage.  It’s really been a team effort, but so worth it. We can’t wait to see the community make use of the fantastic squash facilities and the wider sporting opportunities on offer.